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Effective Gum Disease Treatment in Singapore

Scaling and Root Planing: An Effective Gum Disease Treatment in Singapore

Many people in Singapore deal with gum disease, often called periodontist singapore disease, a form of tooth infection. Gum disease develops when oral bacteria multiply, triggering inflammation and infection in the gums. In the absence of treatment, gum disease can severely damage gums and teeth, eventually resulting in tooth loss. 

In Singapore, scaling and root planing is a common treatment for gum disease that has shown helpful in both curing existing cases and halting the spread of illness. Scaling and root planing is a common method used to treat gum disease in Singapore, and we’ll go over everything you need to know about it here. 

Deep cleaning of the teeth and gums, known as “scaling and root planing,” is a non-surgical method of treating gum disease. Plaque and tartar removal is a procedure commonly carried out by a dentist or dental hygienist to improve oral health. 

Scaling is the procedure of eliminating tartar and plaque from the teeth and gums, including the pockets between the teeth and gums. In contrast, during root planing, the root surfaces of the teeth are smoothed away to stop the spread of bacteria and help the gums heal. 

Because of its minimally invasive nature, scaling and root planing can be done with the patient under local anaesthetic. Depending on how bad the gum disease is, the operation may take one or two sessions to complete. 

What are root planning and scaling? 

Gum disease is treated with a comprehensive cleaning operation called scaling and root planing. Plaque and tartar on your teeth’s surfaces and below the gum line are removed during this non-surgical procedure. The dentist can clean the roots of your teeth throughout the treatment thanks to sophisticated dental tools. 

Scaling and root planning are typically carried out in two steps. Scaling is the initial step in the procedure, which entails cleaning the plaque and tartar off the surfaces of your teeth. The second stage is root planing, which is the procedure of flattening the roots of your teeth to remove any rough places that could harbor bacteria and contribute to further inflammation. 

When should you consider scaling and root planning? 

Scaling and root planing is advised when you have gum disease. Bacteria that infect the gums and produce inflammation are what cause gum disease. If the infection is not treated, it may progress to the bone and result in tooth loss. 

Gum disease can be recognised by symptoms like foul breath, receding gums, and red, puffy, or bleeding gums. To assess the severity of the condition, your dentist will also do a thorough examination. 

Scaling and root planing are frequently used as the initial treatment for gum disease that is mild to moderate. Surgery might be necessary in more severe circumstances. 

Scaling and root planning benefits 

The following advantages of scaling and root planning: 

  1. The removal of the germs and plaque that cause gum disease during scaling and root planing contributes to an improvement in oral health generally. 
  1. Improved dental health and a lower risk of heart disease can result from the procedure’s ability to minimise gum inflammation. 
  1. Enhancement of appearance: By removing stains and tartar, scaling and root planing can help you get an improved smile. 
  1. Decreased chance of tooth loss: By removing the bacteria and plaque that cause gum disease, scaling and root planing can assist to lessen the chance of tooth loss. 
  1. Increased breath quality: Scaling and root planing can assist with foul breath. 

How to Be Ready for Root Planing and Scaling 

Your dentist will do a comprehensive exam to ascertain the severity of your gum disease before to the operation. To ascertain the degree of the harm done to your teeth and gums, you could be asked to have x-rays taken. 

To lower the chance of bleeding, you might also be instructed to stop taking blood-thinning drugs prior to the treatment. To obtain the finest results, it’s crucial to strictly adhere to your dentist’s instructions. 

Explore further: which dental clinic is best in singapore 


In conclusion, scaling and root planing is a reliable method of treating gum disease in Singapore. This procedure helps to stop the spread of infection, speeds up the healing process, and protects the teeth and gums from future harm. The procedure is normally carried out by a dentist or dental hygienist and involves minimally invasive techniques. 

In order to cure gum disease without resorting to surgery, a deep cleaning of the teeth and gums known as “scaling and root planing” may be performed. Patients are put at ease with local anaesthetic throughout the process, which can be finished in as few as two appointments depending on the degree of gum disease. 

Prevention of infection spread is a major benefit of scaling and root planing for gum disease. Scaling and root planing are procedures that help keep gums and teeth healthy by eliminating harmful deposits like plaque and tartar. Gums can recover faster and better after scaling and root planing because they are able to reattach to the teeth. 

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